Jobs PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) Latest in January 2015

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk is a government corporation that is engaged in information technology and media in Indonesia. PT Telkom has existed since the date of October 23, 1856 but not as sophisticated now, before the new telecommunications facilities using media telegram. 

 The state-owned company now has become necessary for all people starting from the top, middle up to the ordinary common people, especially the ordinary use of telecommunications media. In conducting its business, Telkom is divided into 3 products and services including telecommunications, information technology services as well as education and entertainment media. PT Telkom, which was recorded as the largest telecommunications company in Indonesia has had more than 280 million customers throughout Indonesia with the products and services are different.  

PT Telkom Indonesia telecommunications services that include fixed wireline connections and fixed wireless, mobile communications, network and interconnection services as well as internet and data communication services are up to date.

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom group) which is now chaired by Alex Janangkih Sinaga will try to become the largest communications company in Indonesia and recognized by the international community. PT Telkom re-open career with the following qualifications:

Jobs Telkom


     Chief engineering
     DBA engineer


     Male or female
     Minimum education diploma all majors
     fresh graduate
     Computer literate
     Physically and mentally healthy
     Knowing the language of the computer program
     Ability to work in team and individual
     Ready to be placed throughout Indonesia

Sign up now via the address below:

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk
Jln Japati No. 1 Bandung
Bandung, West Java 40133
Registration is done online