New Jobs PT Pertamina EP

Jobs 2015 PT Pertamina EP - PT Pertamina EP is a company that organizes business activities in the upstream sector of the oil and gas fields, including exploration and exploitation. In addition, Pertamina EP also implement other supporting business activities that directly or indirectly support the main areas of business activities. PT Pertamina EP is the follow up of the Oil and Gas Law No. 22, 2001, on September 13, 2005 established PT Pertamina EP, which is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) [1] engaged in upstream oil and gas sector to manage the Mining Concession Area (WKP) except Pertamina for the Cepu Block and Block Randu Scissors ,

Jobs 2015 PT Pertamina EP - Exploration activities aimed to obtain the discovery of new oil and gas reserves in lieu of hydrocarbons that have been produced. This effort is made to keep the continuity of oil and gas production can be maintained.

Exploitation of oil and gas through its own operations performed in seven (7) Regional Operations Upstream (DOH). The operation area is the seventh DOH Aceh (NAD) North Sumatra-based Rantau, Central Sumatra centered in Jambi, South Sumatra DOH centered in Prabumulih, DOH Western Java based in Cirebon, DOH Eastern Java centered in Cepu, DOH centered in Balikpapan Kalimantan, and Papua DOH centered in Sorong.

The current production level of Pertamina EP is about 127 635 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) of oil and approximately 1,054 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of gas.

Working Area (WK) Pertamina EP covering 113,613.90 square kilometers is the abundance of most of the Mining Concession Area Oil and Gas PT Pertamina (Persero). WK business management pattern measuring was done in a way to operate their own (own operation) and cooperation in the form of a partnership, namely oil and gas development project 4, 7 and 52 unitization area partnership contract area consists of 27 contracts Technical Assistant Contract (TAC), 25 contracts Joint Operation (KSO). If viewed from a range of geographic, Pertamina EP operates almost in all parts of Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke.

PT. Pertamina EP entrusted by the government and shareholders to manage the working area of ​​138 611 km2 based oil and gas contract between Pertamina and BP Migas on September 17, 2005 with its own operations as well as a number of joint partnership, namely Technical Assistant Contract (TAC) and Operation (KSO).

Work Area The Company is divided into 5 Assets

    1 asset northern Sumatra, Rantau Field, Pangkalan Susu Field, lyrics, Field, Field Jambi Jambi and Ramba Field
    2 assets southern part of Sumatra, Prabumulih Field, Hall Field, Lemons Field and Field Adera
    3 Asset western part of Java, Subang Field, Jatibarang Field, Field Tambun
    Asset 4 East and Central Java, Cepu Field
    Asset 5 Eastern part of Indonesia and Sangatta Field, Sangasanga Field, Cape Field, Tarakan Field, Field and Field Papua Bunyu

In addition, the Company also manages some gas development projects as follows Suban Gas Development Project in South Sumatra; Block Gundih Gas Development Project in Java; Matindok Building Blocks project in Central Sulawesi; and Pondok Makmur Gas Development Project.